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Your employees will be healthier, happier and more productive with a Telemedicine benefit offering

Are you interested in maintaining a healthy, happy and productive workforce? Telemedicine can be an excellent addition to your employee benefits package.

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Are you interested in maintaining a healthy, happy and productive workforce? Telemedicine can be an excellent addition to your employee benefits package.

X No travel time           X No waiting room time           X Less time away from work

Advantages for employers

Lower Cost: Cheaper than in-person care

Greater convenience: Talk to your doctor anywhere, anytime without the risk of being exposed to infections while spending time in the waiting room. Easy access to nutritional advice and mental health counselling

Managing Chronic Illness: By monitoring your health regularly on the SaluberMD telemedicine platform, it’s easier to catch illnesses early-on before they turn chronic. For people managing a chronic illness, keeping track of the vitals can help to improve treatment plans and overall health outcomes Telemedicine → Better access to care → Fewer in-person medical appointments → Less time away from work → High productivity